Tested. Trusted.


Go from performing

to transforming

Performing focuses on meeting short-term goals.
Transforming keeps an eye toward creating long-term growth.
Performing sustains.
Transforming evolves and expands.
Performing satisfies the status quo.
Transforming stretches beyond the tried to the untried – past the obstacles to the opportunities.

Going from performing to transforming takes bold steps.

It requires skilled leadership, open minds, collaborative communication, extensive experience, and a trusted track record of success.

It takes the expertise of a qualified advisor who can help bridge the gap in your organization between short-term goals and long-term growth.

Bill Barker, founder and CEO of Barker Strategic Solutions, LLC, is a nationally-recognized former media executive who can take your team beyond goals to genuine growth.

BSS can help you:

Assess and align structure and resources to expanding market opportunities
Fine-tune product, processes, and go-to-market strategies
Optimize existing and emerging revenue streams
Leverage local strengths and regional market advantages
Build, coach and mentor transformative leaders and teams
Fill interim senior leadership gaps.

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